Thursday 18 November 2010

Thursday 18th November - Badders

Great badminton session.
Lots of quick running, great for quick feet when running the fast downhills.
Lots of fun and laughter tonight, really good fun.
I have found that any sport that involves short sharp movements, played at a reasonably good standard is a great cross training source.
For me badminton means fast snappy running and also makes you sharpen your senses.
This is exactly what I'm looking for when running full pelt down steep hills.
It also gives you the opportunity to have a laugh!
Watch says - 60 mins, Avg HR 117, Max HR 146, Cals 459.

Planning to run early Saturday morning - 10-15 miles, so maybe an easy bike session tomorrow.
I do need to re start body weight work!
Major goal for the comming weeks!

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