Thursday 30 September 2010

Wednesday 29th September

Run with the girls R and H and Nick.
Set off at 5.00pm ish and did the 3.5 mile route, down past the pens, accross the fields to Pothouse lane, round the back out at the bottom of the rough track, up the hill into the wood, round the reservoir to Pothouse lane, up the hill to Fielding lane, up to the lampost at the hilly part, turn around and home.
Great run, the girls ran really well. Good to have Nick along, one of us could run with one of the girls all the time, push them a bit.
Watch says - 45 mins, Avg HR 133, MaxHR 155, cals 474
8.30pm 30 mins on the bike pretty quick speed - felt good.
Approx 3 miles

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