Friday 17 September 2010

Friday 17th September

A beautiful clear morning today - ideal for a run over the moors!
Only problem, work is in the way!
The plan is to be home for 4.30pm tonight and then meet Nick and Dave for a 6mile, 1100ft run to Hameldon Hill and back at 5.00pm - see image
It was a beautiful clear evening. Steady away, ran the hills well, spent some time waiting for Nick. Felt good most of the time, legs were tired in places, eg near the top of Hameldon.
Watch says - 64mins, Avg HR 131, Max HR 157, cals 631.
Felt a lot slower than this. I've run this before with Nick  in 74 mins, 10 mins slower than today. I've also run this in 50 mins - pretty sure I could be around this time, or under 50 mins if I really pushed it. That would be good and is one I would love to achieve.

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