Sunday 19 September 2010

Sunday 19th September

Arranged with Nick and Dave to run today. Only time available was 2.00pm, middle of the day, didn't go down too well. Agreed to run on Saturday am for bigish run.
Anyway we met at Clough Head Car Park at 2.00pm. It had rained all through Saturday night and all Sunday. It was V wet. Set off from the usual place, along the usual route, around Musburry valley, following the Rossendale Way. Very wet, streams very fast, absolutely soaked, even with waterproofs on! When we went up the climb where we normally turn left to go to Tor Hill we went right, tussocky grass everywhere horrible running. When we got through this though the next valley was stunning! Ran through this for a bit. Bull Hill was infront and you could make out Peel Tower through the mist. After 45 - 50 mins I turned round and headed home leaving Nick and Dave to continue exploring. From what I saw a stunning place and one that I will be returning to very soon. Next Saturday!
Returned the way I came in, ran hard and pretty fast in difficult conditions. Felt great, strong, breathing really good. A good 10 mile run. about 2,500ft.
Watch says - 83mins, Avg HR 145, Max HR 162, Cals 972.
BW exercises x2 sets of 60 PUps. After a great start these have dwindled off this week. Not helped with a few aches in my right knee. See how we get on next week.

Totals for the week that was Running - 30+ miles
PUps - 786

SUps - 566

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