Thursday 30 September 2010

Wednesday 29th September

Run with the girls R and H and Nick.
Set off at 5.00pm ish and did the 3.5 mile route, down past the pens, accross the fields to Pothouse lane, round the back out at the bottom of the rough track, up the hill into the wood, round the reservoir to Pothouse lane, up the hill to Fielding lane, up to the lampost at the hilly part, turn around and home.
Great run, the girls ran really well. Good to have Nick along, one of us could run with one of the girls all the time, push them a bit.
Watch says - 45 mins, Avg HR 133, MaxHR 155, cals 474
8.30pm 30 mins on the bike pretty quick speed - felt good.
Approx 3 miles

Tuesday 21st September

Late at work tonight, didn't get home until 7.40, out of the house at 7.45 ready for badminton.
Really good session, felt strong.
BW exercises x1 set of 80 PUps and SUps - one off.

Monday 27th September

Run round, up and down Fielding Lane.
Normal route about 5.5 miles, steady pace.
Do data, just an easy run.

Sunday 26th September

No run today, legs are pretty tired at the moment.

Totals for the week
Run - 25+
PUps - 500
SUps -500

After a good start to the week PUps and SUps dwindled off.
Easy week with these next week then back on.
Target 1000 PUps and SUps over the week.

Saturday 25 September 2010

Saturday 25th September

A beautiful day this morning.
Full sun, but quite cold only 6 degrees at 10 ish when I set off.
Usual run at the moment over Musburry Heights onto the Rossendale way, then up towards the Tor.
From here turn right and head up towards the next valley.
From the top here looking onto 'Alden Ratchers' the next valley, it's like a lost world.
An amazing place with steep sides and waterfalls.
Same run as last week, except where it took me 45 mins to get to this side of Alden Ratchers with Nick and Dave today I was there in 35 mins. This meant I had another 10mins to get to the top of Bull Hill.
Once there in 45mins approx I turned around and headed home the same way.
Watch says - 83 mins, Avg HR 146, Max HR 161, Cals 984 about 10 miles
Fantastic run!

Friday 24 September 2010

Thursday 23rd September

Badminton tonight.
Really good session, lots of running and lots of fun!
Really enjoyable.
Approximately 3 miles running.

Friday will be a rest day.

Hope to run with the girls early doors Saturday am, then back home and then off for a long run over Musburry Heights along the Rossendale Way, see where we get to. It would be nice to climb up on to the moors leading to Peel Tower - we'll see.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Wednesday 22nd September

Didn't finish work until 8pm Tuesday so no run.
Did a few BW exercises -
PUps x62, x62, x26, x50 - Total 200
SUps x62, x62, x26, x50 - Total 200

Tonight went for a run with R and H 3.5 miles around pothouse lane etc.
V wet in places, the girls are getting stronger!
40 mins ish.
Bike tonight whilst listening to City on the TV.
35 mins on the bike, fast pace, watch says
Avg HR 108, Max HR, 121, cals 221
Equivalent to say 3 miles run.

Monday 20 September 2010

Monday 20th September

Weather still iffy at the moment, plenty of rain about and the nights are getting dark quick.
Went for a run around the roads tonight.
Up Fielding lane to Pothouse lane along Pothouse lane into the dip and back to Fielding Lane, up to the top along Cross edge past the golf club to where the Red Lion used to be, back down to Pothouse lane, back up Fielding Lane then home.
Pretty quick in places, very much a tempo run.
Felt good even after the exercions of a 10 miler in terrible weather yesterday.
Watch says - 46 mins, Avg HR 141, Max HR 157, Cals 512.
About 5.5 miles, maybe 6 and 620 ft of climbing.
See diagram below
BW exercises
PUps - 1 set @ 70, 3 sets @ 61 - Total 253
SUps 4 sets @ 61 + 6 - Total 250

Sunday 19 September 2010

Sunday 19th September

Arranged with Nick and Dave to run today. Only time available was 2.00pm, middle of the day, didn't go down too well. Agreed to run on Saturday am for bigish run.
Anyway we met at Clough Head Car Park at 2.00pm. It had rained all through Saturday night and all Sunday. It was V wet. Set off from the usual place, along the usual route, around Musburry valley, following the Rossendale Way. Very wet, streams very fast, absolutely soaked, even with waterproofs on! When we went up the climb where we normally turn left to go to Tor Hill we went right, tussocky grass everywhere horrible running. When we got through this though the next valley was stunning! Ran through this for a bit. Bull Hill was infront and you could make out Peel Tower through the mist. After 45 - 50 mins I turned round and headed home leaving Nick and Dave to continue exploring. From what I saw a stunning place and one that I will be returning to very soon. Next Saturday!
Returned the way I came in, ran hard and pretty fast in difficult conditions. Felt great, strong, breathing really good. A good 10 mile run. about 2,500ft.
Watch says - 83mins, Avg HR 145, Max HR 162, Cals 972.
BW exercises x2 sets of 60 PUps. After a great start these have dwindled off this week. Not helped with a few aches in my right knee. See how we get on next week.

Totals for the week that was Running - 30+ miles
PUps - 786

SUps - 566

Saturday 18 September 2010

Saturday 18th September

Clare has gone out for the day to Manchester with the girls for a 40th Bday.
Me and our girls went for a walk from Clough Head car park passed the reservoirs and up to the chimney. Back down the steep ramp and back home. A lovely walk that R, H and H really enjoyed - me to! About 3 miles.
Running at 2pm tomorrow with Nick and Dave. Probably the same route as last week, may go over the ridge and see if we can see Peel tower etc over there.

Friday 17 September 2010

Friday 17th September

A beautiful clear morning today - ideal for a run over the moors!
Only problem, work is in the way!
The plan is to be home for 4.30pm tonight and then meet Nick and Dave for a 6mile, 1100ft run to Hameldon Hill and back at 5.00pm - see image
It was a beautiful clear evening. Steady away, ran the hills well, spent some time waiting for Nick. Felt good most of the time, legs were tired in places, eg near the top of Hameldon.
Watch says - 64mins, Avg HR 131, Max HR 157, cals 631.
Felt a lot slower than this. I've run this before with Nick  in 74 mins, 10 mins slower than today. I've also run this in 50 mins - pretty sure I could be around this time, or under 50 mins if I really pushed it. That would be good and is one I would love to achieve.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Thursday 16th September

Badminton tonight - hoping for another good run around!
Watch says - 68 mins, Avg HR 112, Avg HR 138, cals, 493
Part way through the week so a quick check of where we are up to regarding miles and numbers of BW exercises. No squats this week as my right knee is pretty sore at the moment.
Miles - 15-17
PUps - 516
SUps - 566
All before tonights workout - 2 miles for badminton, looking at x2 sets of 60 for SUps and PUps + 30 extra for both. An additional 150.

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Wednesday 15th September

Run with R and H tonight.
Last week they were pretty tired when we got back.
We'll do the same route, but I'll give them the option to shorten, change as we go round.
Possible / probable route will be as below - 3.5 miles
Changed the route slightly, but still 3.5-4miles in length
Watch says - 47 mins, Avg HR 120, Max HR 145, Cals 399

Probably go for a run up, down and around Fielding Lane and Pothouse Lane later + BW exercises.
Change of plan Champs Footy on TV tonight 30 mins on bike at tension 30 out of 50. Approx 4 miles.
Watch says - 30 mins, Avg HR 102, Max HR 113, Cals 177
Up to sets of 59!! - Struggling with squats, pain in my left knee. I'll knock them on the head for a week and see how I am next week.
PUps and SUps 2 sets of 59 + 1 set of 32 = 150 for each

Tuesday 14th September

Tuesday nights badminton - V quick, plenty of sharp running.
Great session - approximately 2 miles?
up to sets of 58
x2 sets of PUps, SUps and Sqs = 116 each

Monday 13 September 2010

Monday 13th September

Thought about a gentle run tonight, legs were tired after the Alden loop (10 miles and 2600ft) - Instead 45 minutes on the bike at tension 30 - quick pace all the time - equivalent to 5 miles running?
Watch says - 45 mins, Avg HR 102, Max HR 122, Cals 261.

BW exercises -  SUps -  5 sets of 57 = 285 + 15 for luck = 300
                        PUps -   4 sets of 57 = 228 + 22 for luck = 250
                        Squats - 5 sets of 57 = 285 + 15 for luck = 300


Totals for the week that was -
Running - 30+ miles
SUps - 1112
PUps - 911
Sq - 212

Try to get the PUps and Sq to 1000+ this week
Starting at sets of 57 this week

Sunday 12 September 2010

Sunday 12th September

Alden moor loop.
Met Nick and Dave at Clough Head Car Park at 9.00am this morning.
Set off over the gate opposite the car park, down to the Reservoirs up the hill opposite to the Rossendale Way, turn left and head up to the chimney. Turn left and once over the train track remains turn right. Over the stile and straight on out over Arden moor until we got to the abandoned farm. It was pouring down, changed into water proof top and away we went again. Dropped off left and came back to the Rossendale way, followed this all the way around the valley - V wet in places. Followedd this up to the Tor, making sure we got the top then dropped off. Quick decent to the valley, then a very long drag back up to Musberry Heights. Dropped off here back passed the reservoirs, back up the hill and back to the car park.
Watch says - 88 mins, in zone 40 mins (70 - 80%) Avg HR 142, Max HR 161, cals 1001!!!
Checked the route out on Google Earth - 10 miles and 2600ft of climbing.
Feeling great at the moment - can deffinately do this a lot quicker. Maybe try next weekend.

Back to Clough Head car park in the afternoon for a 2 mile walk with the family and a few hill runs with the girls apparently just for a bit of fun!

BW Exercises - SUps 1 set of 100, then 4 sets of 50
PUps 4 sets of 56

Saturday 11 September 2010

Saturday 11th September

At the girls school for a couple of hours this am - Stream cleaning, digging, moving etc.
Spent two hours pulling up weeds, nettles, etc, moving logs, digging - pretty tired!
Currently waiting on Nick and Dave to see when they are running.
They have now decided to come on the Alden moor loop with me tomorrow - 9.00am meet at Clough Head car park tomorrow 10 miles and 2600ft - this will show fitness levels.
Easy day today - may do 1/2 an hour on the bike tonight and some BW exercises.

Friday 10th September

Used today basically as a rest day - legs are feeling a bit lethargic at the moment.
Did 20 mins on the bike, mainly at tension 30, but increased this from 10 mins + to 40 and 45.
Legs felt really tired at this point.
A few BW exercises - sets of 55 PUps - trying a new routine - PUps every day, increasing the number per set by 1, so ... by Friday I should be up to sets of 62 and by the following Saturday sets of 70.
Tried this one before, trying this way for a bit of variety and fun -
Also need to continue with SUps and Squats

Friday 10 September 2010

Thursday 9th September

Badminton tonight - Great games with plenty of running.
We're getting there.
Big run this weekend - Alden moor loop - 10 miles 2600ft - See Google Earth image below
Nick and Dave are running the 1/2 tour of Pendle.
BW exercises PUps x3 sets of 54

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Wednesday 8th September

After work tonight, going to take R and H for a run - steady away.
From home, up Fielding lane, right at the Plough, across the fields, to Pothouse lane, past the farms, through the copse, past Jack House lodge and back.
Approximately 3.5 miles.
Watch says - 47mins, AvgHR 117, Max HR 142, Cals 376

Later on I'll either go for a run up, down and around Fielding Lane or do a bike session.

Have looked at the 1/2 tour of Pendle details - 9 miles and 2200 ft of climbing, thought about doing this at the weekend, however I've checked out extending the Tor run and incorporating a trip around Alden valley. According the Google Earth = 10.3 miles and 2600ft of climbing! Looks like this for a trot out this weekend.

Turned out to be a run up, down and around Fielding Lane.
Home to the top of Fielding Lane, then down 2 lampposts, back up 1 until you get to Pothouse Lane. Down Pothouse lane until you get to the milk farm, then return home. Approximately 4.5 miles and 7oo ft.
Watch says - 37 mins, Avg HR 142 mins, Max 158, Cals 416
Mutch easier running on roads than fells!!

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Tuesday 7th September

Badminton 8-9 pm tonight.
A good session plenty of running, not too intense.
Watch says - 61 mins, Avg HR 116, Max HR 144, Cals 471.
BW exercises - 53 PUps, 53 SUps, 53 Squats repeat x4!

Monday 6 September 2010

Monday 6th September

Back to work today. No time for running.
Thought about and was fully ready to run this evening, until the rain came in!
Exercise bike took over - Watch says
40 mins, Avg HR 100, Max HR 123, Cals 220 all done at tension 30
BW exercises 100 sit ups then 3 sets of 50 3 sets of x52 press ups

Sunday 5 September 2010

Sunday 5th Sept

OK, ran with Nick and Dave today - they were keen to run to the Musberry Tor.
Met at Clough Head Car Park 12.45pm.
Pretty steady pace to the bottom of the Tor, spent a bit trying to find a route up.
Couldn't see any so we just went for it, ran 3/4 of the way straight up, met a path, turned left and followed this until a path started to go up, ran to the top.
Fantastic views!!
Returned the same way, but came accross a style, dropped off the Tor, then retured to Musberry Heights, up hill all the way - pretty tough.
A tough run, felt good, could have done it again.
BW exercises SUps 100, 3 sets of 50, 100
                      PUps x2 sets of 51

Watch stats - 88mins, in zone 29 mins @ 80-90 %, most of the out of zone was above, Avg HR 145, Max HR 162, cals 972.
Mapped out the route in Google Earth, approximately 8.5 miles and 2,300 feet of climbing!

Saturday 4 September 2010

Saturday 4th September

Legs were pretty tired today - went for a run from Clough Head Car Park, stayed on the car park side out to the furthest hill, reached the top in about 18 mins - pretty quick!
Went exploring on the way back for a bit of variety, got back in about 45 mins.
Tried to push that little bit extra, deffinitely a quick run, the route although slightly different normally takes me around 60 mins.

Friday 3 September 2010

Friday 3rd September

Looking like a bike session tonight as England are on telly tonight!!
The plan for tomorrow - big run from Clough Head Car Park, Ogden Res, Musberry Heights, around the valleys, up the Tor and return. Weather is set to be great - can't wait!!
See link for the run.
Watch details for the watch with bike tension set at 30 - 50 mins, Avg HR 94, Max HR 105, Cals 222

Map of the run to and around the Tor

BW Exercises - PUps - 2 sets 0f 50
                      - SUps - 1 set of 100, 3 sets of 50

Thursday 2nd September

A quiet evening - Badminton 8 - 9 nothing too strenuous an easy rest day really.
Maybe get a run in tomorrow early evening or a long run Saturday may be in order.
If no run tomorrow then an hour plus on the bike + BW exercises!!

Thursday 2 September 2010

Wednesday 1st September

Lovely evening run over Musberry Heights and over Ogden Moor with Nick and Dave.
Steady run, didn't push, except when going uphill.
Felt surprisingly good after a tough run and badminton the day before.
On the way back went down the long hill to the bottom of the last resevoir then turned round and went straight back up- no problem!
Watch says - 70 mins, 25 mins in the 80 - 90% zones, Avg HR 136, Max HR 158, Cals 780.
Feeling good at the moment - long may it continue!