Monday 2 May 2011

Great Hameldon Fell Race - 1st May

A new month and my first race of the year.
The Great Hameldon race is the first race in the Pendle and Burnley Grand Prix, so always attracts quite a large number of runners. On this occassion there were 180+ runners who set off around the 6 mile, 1100 ft course. The weather for the day looked great, blue sky, but not too warm. Gathered on the start line was Danny Hope, brother to Rob Hope. Over the last year, Danny has won a number of top fell races and regularly finishes in the top 3 of races. What other sport allows mere mortals to compete against the elite?
The gun went and away we went.
The route takes us around the football field, before heading up through the coppice. The pace was pretty quick at this point and in the back of your mind you always wonder if you've set off too quick. I'm sure this comes from not racing much. I reached the top of the climb, 3/4 of a mile into the race felling pretty tired already, at this point trying to put any negative thoughts firmly at the back of my mind. Emerging from the coppice brought us into a head on strong wind. Out of most of the running conditions I least like, a head on wind is one of my worst. I really struggle to take in meaningful breaths. Could this by down to asthma, don't know.
Anyway, the climb continued, I was about mid pack, I could make out runners in front of me, but the runners behind were quite a way behind. I followed the route along the bottom of Hameldon, before beginning the climb up the hill. This was tough! On reaching the trig, you turn and head home. This was pretty quick, but, not as quick as I wanted to go, or as quick as I've gone on training runs. Probably due to heavy legs from the race so far. The route took us out, avoiding the cross over of slower runners. The race at this point is a bit of a blurr, can't really remember the last climb, other than it hurt. The run off the coppice, through the trees was tricky and the last lap around the field to the finish could have been quicker.
On crossing the finishing line, the 'family' was there cheering me on - a real highlight!
When the girls saw Nick start has last leg around the field, off they went to run in with him.
On reflection a great race.
My Garmin under measures, it clocked the race at 5.75 miles, which was off putting, when you are trying to estimate the time you will run in.
Speaking to another runner after the race, his comment was - It's all pain! - Can't argue with that, because it really was.
I finished 3 seconds faster than 2 years ago and when I go over the race in my head, as you do, there were opportunities to go quicker. It is frustrating to think you could have done more. I'm already looking forward to next May! - My goal - 2 minutes quicker.
Note to self - To run better races, you have to run races!

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