Monday, 14 February 2011

That was the week - On going and updated

Signed up for a running program.
Someone from Bath University is doing a PHD on running and injury relations.
The study goes on for a year and involves completing an online diary that is studied in detail.
On going results and data gets sent back to me over time.
Hoping it's going to be of use.

Monday 14th Feb - Turbo time. 30 minutes at tension 30. 5 minutes with revs at 80, the next 25 minutes with revs steadily increasing to 100+ revs. Tension at 30 sprint for a minute. Rest for 30 seconds. Tension at 40 sprint for a minute. Repeat for 6 minutes. Tough on the thighs.

Planning on a steady week this week as next week is half term which means I can get more runs in. Saturday is penciled in for a run to Peel Tower about 20 miles, maybe slightly less. Sometime over the next week I plan to do the 30 miler that I've been threatening to do for a while now. Home, to Peel Tower and back.

Tuesday 14th Feb - Badminton. 62 minutes speed work type session. Watch says - Avg HR 116, Max HR 138, Cals 449

Wednesday 15th Feb - 5 a side football for an hour. Lots of fast, quick running.
pm - Turbo - 32 minutes in total. First 5 minutes starting at 80 revs (tension 30) moving to 90 revs. Fr the next 15 minutes revs moved from 90 revs to 100 revs. Then sprints alternating between tension 30 or 40. Sprint for 1 minute, rest 30 seconds repeat!!

Thursday 16th Feb - Badminton - lots of running and really good fun!
Watch says - 1 hr, Avg HR 124, Max HR 153, Cals 513 - great speed session!

Rest day Friday. Long run planned for Saturday - hopefully out to Peel tower and back.

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