Wednesday 13 April 2011

13th April

I was having a lazy ish day, generally pottering about, sorting the children etc when ... one of the neighbours rang and invited the children round for a few hours - obviously an opportunity not to be turned down and an opportunity to run.
Ran from Hasligden Old Rd bridleway.
My thought was to see how far it was to the trig point and also to get a look at a route towards the reservoir at Turton. The run was steady with the legs still heavy after the run yesterday. The run to the Grane Rd was easy ish and I felt as though I had run off the aches. I took the Rossendale way route and headed towards Hog Lowe Pike. I deviated off the Rossendale Way towards the trig. Felt ok at this point. From the trig I could make out the route needed to make it out towards Turton res. The route follows a large copse of trees and looks to be all downhill for a few miles which is ok until you have to run home!
One of my favorite pictures of the moors
Followed the route from the trig out towards the path to the chimney. Was beginning to feel a bit achey at this point. My left knee was sore especially when going down hill. Followed the route back into the woods above the res. Then up and out again onto the Rossendale way. I stayed on the higher path here, one i'd never taken before  passing a number of derelict old farm houses.
Farm track i'd never been on before
Old farmhouse by the track
Arriving at the Grane I was pretty tired and drained - this is the mental struggle you go through when your body says stop and you make your mind say carry on!
Climbed up from the Grane and back towrads home. The run back was painful - I had shooting pains in my left hip. Never had this before and desperate for it not to happen again! - Real pain!
Got back to the car having covered 8 miles.
Not massive mileage, but good training although painful.
At the 5 mile mark I was OK, then the 1.5 mile drag up hill really got to me.
Note to self - take a drink and a snack next time!


  1. I like the picture too. Briliant

  2. Thanks Steve - Not a bad main picture on your blog.
    Where was that?
    Looks familiar.


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