Friday 11 March 2011

WB 7th March 2011

Monday 7th - Turbo for 50 minutes. Started off, first 5 minutes with the tempo at 80+, next 30 minutes with the tempo at 90+, next 5 minutes with the tempo ay 100+ and back to 90+ for the last 5 minutes. Tiring, but feeling good.
Tuesday 8th - Badminton for 1 hr.
Wednesday 9th - Turbo for 50 minutes, same routine as Monday. Legs were feeling tired today.
Thursday 10th - Badminton 1 hr. Fats and furious. Lots of quick sharp running.
Friday 11th - Turbo 50 minutes.
Saturday / Sunday 12th / 13th - At least one long (ish) run this weekend, 12 miles +. Probably second run somewhere between 6 and 10 miles. Have no idea where or when yet. However will definitely be taking my camera with me so watch this space for updates.

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