Monday 26 April 2010

Week beginning 26th April 2010

Monday - 45 mins on the exercise bike at tension 30 of 50 at high tempo, approximately 90 revolutions per min - good session
100 one off sit ups, x5 by 20 sets of press ups
Good session
Tuesday - Badminton 1hr quick - good session
Wednesday - 1hr football lots of running!!
Thursday - Badminton 1hr starting to feel tired, legs were pretty heavy.
Fair amount of BW exercises over the week 100+ PUps every other day in sets of 20.
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - Haslingdon Old Rd run, into the big dip, down, up the other side to the top, round the rim and return.
Watch says - time 61 mins 46 sec, Avg HR 144, Max HR 158, Cals 706
Compared to the same run last Saturday almost 5 mins quicker today.
Took me 5 mins to get going, after that felt good!
Run tomorrow, see how we go then.

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