Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Tuesday 31st August

Back to work tomorrow - time for another run me thinks!
Up to about 40 miles a week at the moment - feel good!
Nick is finally up for a run so we're off to the Tor at 4.
Nick cancelled at the last minute I went anyway. Normal route to Musberry Heights except I stayed at the bottom until you come to a little tunnel, here turn right and go straight up the hill - V TOUGH! At the top straight over to the Rossendale Way. At the style I went staight across and decided to explore Ogden Moor. After a few miles I came across an abandoned house. The views were exceptional. One of the best I have ever seen whilst running in the UK.
Watch stats - 68 mins, 49 mins in the 70 - 80% HR zone (When not in this was higher except during the warm up) Avg HR 147, Max HR 161, Cals 807.

Badminton 8-9pm tonight v fast, good tempo session!!
Maybe run over the moors after work tomorrow??

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