Thursday 23 December 2010

Wednesday 22nd December - Hatrick of runs

Another run today, that's 3 snowy runs on the trot!
Parked at Clough Head again, and ran on the reservoir side.
Lots of powdery snow with thick ice underneath.
Went through the gate opposite the car park and headed left.
The plan was to head for Hog Low Pike.
Made my way to part of the Rossendale Way, there was nothing around except sheep tracks.
Some of the small climbs here were tough due to the lack of grip.
Got to the first real climb in no more than steady pace, the climb itself was easy, felt great.
Stunning views of the valley from on top.
Over the style and out in the direction of Hoddelsdon.
There were lots of tracks and footprints here.
Some way down the track I turned left and headed out towards Hog Low Pike.
At this point from lots of tracks there was one set of runners tracks left in the snow.
These were headed in the direction I was taking.
The snow here was pretty deep, just below the knee in places and the frozen ground underneath made running tough.
After a while Hog Low Pike became visible.

The run to the Pike was great and the lone tracks I was following gave an insight into how deep the snow was.
From the bottom of the Pike up was tough running, the snow was above knee height everywhere.
At the top, again the views were amazing!

The light was beginning to fade pretty fast now, I had planned to go to the chimney at the top of the far reservoir, but decided against it.
I dropped off the Pike and headed for the wood overlooking Calf Hey Reservoir. The run through the wood at this point was brill. A steep drop and thick snow.
Came out of the woods at the path around the reservoir and followed the path. The run out and back towards the Grane road here is all up hill and my legs were beginning to ache a bit now.
This is a view from the top of one of the climbs.

The hills in the background are where I had come from, Hog Lowe Pike is over to the right, out of sight.
The run back was steady, the sun was setting and the chill was coming back in the wind.
A fantastic run!
If I get out tomorrow I'll head to the chimney and out to Tor Hill I think and check out the next valley or 2.

Watch says - 80 mins, Avg HR 142, Max HR 157, Cals 844

Thought about a turbo session tonight. Instead went to see an old running friend who is struggling a bit at the minute. had a few hours chatting and reminiscing.

My favourite picture from yesterday's run

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