Tuesday 21 December 2010

Tuesday 21st December - Slip sliding away

After yesterdays run in the snow, my thighs were feeling a bit tired, which is unusual for fell running, tends to be the calfs that feel it, but not today.
Felt the need to try and loosen them off, so went for a run.
Got to Clough Head Car park at about 2.00pm.
The temperature was -7 degrees!
Set off following the same ish route as yesterday, but my grip was slightly better.
I had my X talons on today and mud claws yesterday.
X talons definitely give a better grip!
However with the snow still very powdery, there was very little grip to be had anywhere.
In places there were vast expanses of ice, pretty hairy in places.
After climbing a few hills, the run back down was great, striding out was easy for a change!
The plan to ease off the thighs didn't work, but the run was still very enjoyable!
More snow may be on its way so the runs could be getting tougher.
My plan to do a 30 miler over Christmas is looking iffy at the moment, just because it is tough slogging through the powdery snow at the moment!
Watch says - 80 mins, (10 mins quicker than the same route yesterday) Avg HR 144, Max HR 163, Cals 892

Tonight had an hours badminton, great fun, lots of very quick running!
Felt good until the last game, then a bit leggy after the last two runs.
Watch says - 60 mins, Avg HR 119, Max HR 140, Cals 489

The experiment of doubling up training sessions is working at the moment.
Long may it continue!

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