Thursday, 4 August 2011

The week so far

After a good, fast run up and down Hameldon Hill following the race route (5 minute miles) coming home, I've had an easier week, because on Friday we're off to run the Yorkshire 3 peaks, about 24 miles, provided we don't get lost and around 5000ft.
So, the exercise for this week has been no real running, but a couple of games of badminton, a bit of turbo, about 90 minutes in total and a daily dose of steps!
Some friends were getting rid of a stepper machine, so I made room in the garage and hey ho - 20 minutes every morning, chasing my best number of steps in 20 minutes.
PB at the moment 715 steps.
The stepper gives a real blast of the thighs and hamstrings, so I'm hoping it has a positive impact on climbing.
Time will tell.
Early set off tomorrow am - 3 peaks here we come!
New toy!!

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