Friday 11 February 2011

The week that was - Mon - Fri

Monday 7th - Rest Day
Tuesday 8th - Badminton stats 1hr, Avg HR 117, Max HR 153, Cals 448
Wednesday 9th - 5 a side football 1 hr Avg HR 132, Max hr 155, cals 468
Wednesday 9th - Turbo tension at 30 5 mins @ 80+ revs, 20 mins @ 90+ revs 15 mins @ 100+ revs 40 mins, Avg HR 115, Max HR 134, Cals 307
Thursday 10th - Badminton stats 1hr Avg HR 118, Max HR 152, Cals 432
Friday 11th - Turbo, tension at 30 starting at 80+ revs, steadily upping the revs to 100+

No out and out running this week, but plenty of exercise!
Walk planned for Saturday around the reservoirs at the Grane Rd.
Sunday will be a long ish run, maybe 10 miles.
Starting off with the Hameldon Hill fell race route, then following an alternative route up and round Hameldon again. Should be a good run, quite a few feet of climbing I'd expect.

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