Monday 14 February 2011

Sunday 13th Feb - Hameldon twice

Rest days Friday and Saturday.
However, had a family walk Saturday that involved racing up hills.
Giving ridicules head starts and racing again!
Sunday - Hameldon twice.
Met Nick and Dave at 2 ish.
The first section followed the normal race route, but we took a detour out towards the Huncoat trail and across the top of Hameldon Scouts.

The run towards Hameldon this way is a drag.
Something like 100ft of climbing (not a lot!!) but a drag!!
The weather had been torrential.

The bottom of Hameldon was thigh deep in water if you took a wrong route.
The run to the top of Hameldon and on to the trig was steady.

Felt strong.
The run off was quick ish, back down to the path, picked up the route from the style back up Hameldon.
Again the run was steady, but felt strong still.
The same run off was again quickish.
A good pace back to Moleside with a final climb towards the top of the coppice.
Still strong.
The final run in was steady.
A really good run today.
The double rest days Friday and Saturday helped lots.
The run was nearly 8 miles, with around 1300+ ft of climbing.
I would at this point have data to upload, but somehow I've lost the data from my Garmin!

Sunday evening - 20 minutes of turbo.
first few minutes was revs at 80, tension at 30, upped to 90 revs a minute.
After 15 minutes, upped the tension every minute whilst maintaining a minimum of 100 revs.
Thighs were sore after!

About 30 miles of running again this week.

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