Sunday 27 February 2011

Sunday 27th Feb - Bog standard Ossy moors

End of the week run.
It's been a good week for running. Got quite a few in and more importantly - felt good!
Finished the week with a basic run from Clough Head Car Park over Ossy moors.
Bog standard run (very boggy.)
It's one of those runs that you can make as difficult as you want, by the choice of route and intensity of the run.
Got to the top of the first climb with legs aching a bit, from the amount of runs, turbo etc over the week.
Views were great.
Even though I had that tired feeling, pushed the run in places.
This run is very up and down.
Nothing too hilly, but lots of regular climbing.
Took the route out to the far farm.
Ran the hill and then round past the far farm and headed home.
Took I diversion to the hill near the old disused quarry.
This is a good hill to do hill reps on.
Managed 5 reps at 3/4+ pace - steep ish incline and quite long.
Ran the next setion slower than I had been doing then picked up the pace again over the last mile.
A good run to finish the week on.
Just over an hour, 5 1/2 miles run with 1000+ ft of climbing.

Finished the evening off with 20 minutes of fast turbo.
Tension at 30, 5 mins with revs at 80+, 15 mins with revs at 90+, 5 mins with revs at 100+

Weeks mileage - 43 miles!

Friday 25 February 2011

Thursday 24th Feb - Peel Tower

Having finally decided upon a run out to Peel Tower I met Dave at 11.30am.
The weather was just about perfect!
As we set off, the clouds cleared, the wind dropped and the sun came out.
The first mile or so were steady, heading out towards Musberry heights.
The initial climb was ok, a little tough, but quite easily runnable.
The next few miles took us round the valley, HR was about 150bpm and I was feeling comfortable.
Thought about pushing the pace a bit, but there was quite a distance still to go.
The next climb brought us out at the run towards Tor Hill.
We took the path across the field and out towards the moor land and the next valley.
This part of the run is great!
If you approach it in the right way it can be a really quick section.
The run around the valley here begins to climb and the speed of the run slows.
The next section is uphill for a good mile or so.
If you look carefully you find a memorial to Ellen Strange
Continue up hill, past the ...
'beware' signs and on to ...
Pilgrim's cross. A place where Monks would rest on their pilgrimage to Whalley Abbey in the early 1100s and probably before then.
The final part of the run out is a mile and a half to the tower itself.
A quick drink and back the way we came.
In places I picked up the pace just for a bit of fun!
The run back was good, but I did struggle up the final climb.
Just over 13 miles, 1600 cals used in 150 minutes.

Great run. Next time I'll add on a section to Hog Low Pike to up the miles to above 15.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Week Ending 27th Feb - updated

After the long run out to Pilgrims cross and back on Saturday, Sunday was a rest day and Monday, well Monday was a catch up on sleep day! i.e. another rest day. Planning on running the 1/2 tour of Pendle + bits(maybe 10 miles), probably Thursday this week - Change of plan, now to Peel Tower = 15+ mile run.

Tuesday 22nd - Swimming at 10.00am. Not a lover of swimming, but kids wanted to go, so swimming it was.
12.30pm - Hameldon Fell race route - Met Dave at 12.30. Felt tired over the first part of the run, up the Coppice after this mornings swim. From the Coppice the next section was ok. We took the alternative route up and over Hameldon scouts. As we got there the sun came out and the wind dropped revealing a beautiful afternoon. The run up and along the scouts is a real drag, seeming to go on and on.
After the drag along the scouts you turn right and run (again a drag) up Great Hameldon to the trig point.
Strangely I felt tired today, but got to the trig in 33 minutes, 2 minutes quicker than last week when I felt strong!
The run off Hameldon was quickish - we considered going back up again but re considered as we've planned a long run Thursday.
Steady run back to the car - time 56 minutes.
Felt like I could have knocked a good 5 minutes off the overall time!
5.5 miles, 1100 ft of climbing, Max HR 163 (pretty high)

8.00pm - Badminton - Tired tonight! Ran lots, need to drink more water!
Watch says 60 mins, Avg HR 120, Max HR 146, Cals 424
10.00pm - Flat out asleep!

Wednesday 23rd - Turbo - 30 minutes steady turbo. Tension set at 30, revs at a steady 80 revs for 20 minutes, upped the last 10 minutes to 80+ reaching 90 at times. Still a very steady session ready for the long run tomorrow - 15 miles to Peel Tower (Holcombe Tower) for the locals.

Thursday 24th - Run out to Peel Tower turned out to be just over 13 miles. Fantastic day, sun was out and a thoroughly great run. About 2 1/2 hours 1700 ft of climbing 1600 cals. Could have gone a lot quicker! In a few weeks i'll have a run out there on my own and see what sort of time I can get around in.

75 minutes badminton to finish off the day ... and me!

Friday 25th - Rest day

Saturday 26th - Turbo! 40 minutes in total. Tension set at 30. First 3 minutes were at 80 revs. Next 10 minutes were between 80 - 90. Next 10 minutes were 90 - 100. Last 7 minutes were revs at 100+ Maximum 110 revs per minute.

Sunday 27th - Run around Ossy moors - 5 and 1/2 miles of slipping and sliding!
20 minutes fast turbo.
5 minutes of 80 + revs, 15 mins of 90 + revs 5 mins of 100+ revs.

43 miles for the week!

Saturday 19 February 2011

Out to Pilgrims Cross

A bit of a cold snap has returned, down to about 0 degrees and potential snow!
So the weather forecasters said - what did they know.
Set off from Clough Head Car Park at about 2.00pm.
Felt a bit sluggish when we set off (wrestling with the children for an hour before the run.)
Definitely cold today - plenty of coughing in the first couple of miles - but a  beautful day for a run.
There was traces of snow on them there hills.
Followed the usual route out along the Rossendale way.
Followed the route right out to the bottom of Bull Hill.
This time rather than run straight up Bull Hill we followed the lower path, basically to see where it took us.
We followed the path passed the flags at the Army shooting range - meaning the Army were actually firing!
The higher we got the more SNOW was on the ground.
The path took us to the Pilgrim's Cross monument.
At this point we turned and headed up the hill towards the trig point.
We ran off from the trig to be met with a sight of pure white!
A complete contrast to what we had mainly run through.
We followed the run off -slippy!!
After running around the next valley the snow had totally disappeared.
This was the last photo I took before the clag descended fully.
It shows the next valley looking at Tor Hill.
 The rest of the run was pretty strong.
Felt good.
The last climb though up from the reservoir was a killer.
Really tough.
Back to the car in 2 hours, 10 mile run, 1200 cals, Avg HR 140, 1,400 ft of climbing.

Great run.
Nice to find a spot on '10 miler'
Summary of the run below.
Pendle planned for Thursday!

Monday 14 February 2011

That was the week - On going and updated

Signed up for a running program.
Someone from Bath University is doing a PHD on running and injury relations.
The study goes on for a year and involves completing an online diary that is studied in detail.
On going results and data gets sent back to me over time.
Hoping it's going to be of use.

Monday 14th Feb - Turbo time. 30 minutes at tension 30. 5 minutes with revs at 80, the next 25 minutes with revs steadily increasing to 100+ revs. Tension at 30 sprint for a minute. Rest for 30 seconds. Tension at 40 sprint for a minute. Repeat for 6 minutes. Tough on the thighs.

Planning on a steady week this week as next week is half term which means I can get more runs in. Saturday is penciled in for a run to Peel Tower about 20 miles, maybe slightly less. Sometime over the next week I plan to do the 30 miler that I've been threatening to do for a while now. Home, to Peel Tower and back.

Tuesday 14th Feb - Badminton. 62 minutes speed work type session. Watch says - Avg HR 116, Max HR 138, Cals 449

Wednesday 15th Feb - 5 a side football for an hour. Lots of fast, quick running.
pm - Turbo - 32 minutes in total. First 5 minutes starting at 80 revs (tension 30) moving to 90 revs. Fr the next 15 minutes revs moved from 90 revs to 100 revs. Then sprints alternating between tension 30 or 40. Sprint for 1 minute, rest 30 seconds repeat!!

Thursday 16th Feb - Badminton - lots of running and really good fun!
Watch says - 1 hr, Avg HR 124, Max HR 153, Cals 513 - great speed session!

Rest day Friday. Long run planned for Saturday - hopefully out to Peel tower and back.

Sunday 13th Feb - Hameldon twice

Rest days Friday and Saturday.
However, had a family walk Saturday that involved racing up hills.
Giving ridicules head starts and racing again!
Sunday - Hameldon twice.
Met Nick and Dave at 2 ish.
The first section followed the normal race route, but we took a detour out towards the Huncoat trail and across the top of Hameldon Scouts.

The run towards Hameldon this way is a drag.
Something like 100ft of climbing (not a lot!!) but a drag!!
The weather had been torrential.

The bottom of Hameldon was thigh deep in water if you took a wrong route.
The run to the top of Hameldon and on to the trig was steady.

Felt strong.
The run off was quick ish, back down to the path, picked up the route from the style back up Hameldon.
Again the run was steady, but felt strong still.
The same run off was again quickish.
A good pace back to Moleside with a final climb towards the top of the coppice.
Still strong.
The final run in was steady.
A really good run today.
The double rest days Friday and Saturday helped lots.
The run was nearly 8 miles, with around 1300+ ft of climbing.
I would at this point have data to upload, but somehow I've lost the data from my Garmin!

Sunday evening - 20 minutes of turbo.
first few minutes was revs at 80, tension at 30, upped to 90 revs a minute.
After 15 minutes, upped the tension every minute whilst maintaining a minimum of 100 revs.
Thighs were sore after!

About 30 miles of running again this week.

Friday 11 February 2011

The week that was - Mon - Fri

Monday 7th - Rest Day
Tuesday 8th - Badminton stats 1hr, Avg HR 117, Max HR 153, Cals 448
Wednesday 9th - 5 a side football 1 hr Avg HR 132, Max hr 155, cals 468
Wednesday 9th - Turbo tension at 30 5 mins @ 80+ revs, 20 mins @ 90+ revs 15 mins @ 100+ revs 40 mins, Avg HR 115, Max HR 134, Cals 307
Thursday 10th - Badminton stats 1hr Avg HR 118, Max HR 152, Cals 432
Friday 11th - Turbo, tension at 30 starting at 80+ revs, steadily upping the revs to 100+

No out and out running this week, but plenty of exercise!
Walk planned for Saturday around the reservoirs at the Grane Rd.
Sunday will be a long ish run, maybe 10 miles.
Starting off with the Hameldon Hill fell race route, then following an alternative route up and round Hameldon again. Should be a good run, quite a few feet of climbing I'd expect.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Sunday 6th February - Weeks summary

A good weeks exercise and running.
Weekly mileage - About 30 miles this week with no football Wednesday.
Only one rest day
Need to get a long run in at the weekend - 10 miles ish and maybe another road run Wednesdays.
This would take miles up to around 40 miles a week.
That's the target for the next couple of weeks.
A weeks holiday in 2 weeks time should get me to around 50 miles for the week.

Wet and windy weekend wanderings!

Saturday 5th February -
Met Nick and Dave at Peel Park Pub at 2.00pm.
We decided to follow the 'Great Hameldon Hill' Fell race route.
Set off at a steady pace reaching the top of the 'Coppice' feeling ok.
The run to 'Moleside' was good, feeling pretty strong.
The run to the bottom of Hameldon was still going well.
The run along the bottom was very wet! Very boggy! - At times sinking beyond the knee.
Ran to the top of Hameldon still feeling strong.
The run off was great.
Picked up the pace all the way down to the path.
The run back slowed a bit.
Picked it up again on the last climb.
Got home in an hour.
Really enjoyed the run.
Could have taken a good 5+ minutes off that run today.

Sunday 6th February -
Ran from Clough Head Car Park on the opposite side to the reservoirs.
Followed the steady run taken on this side, but mixed up the route a bit.
Up to deep clough first, round the top then down and up the other side.
Followed the run round to the far hill along the Rossendale Way, up the climb, back down then up again for a bit of fun.
Back to the style and down the path past the abandoned quarry.
Across the road and up the hill, pretty steep, but a good track to run.
Did a few hill reps here - felt good.
The run back from this point is a half mile steady up hill drag!
Back towards deep clough up the last climb and steady back home.
Picked it up again for the last mile.
Really wet and really windy.
Stupidly I forgot my watch so the only data I have of the run is it lasted for 65 mins.
Sunday 6th February PM - 
20 mins of turbo.
Tension set at 30. First 3 mins were revs at 80.
Next 5 mins had revs at 90+
Last 12 mins had revs at 100+
A good way to finish off the weekend.

Friday 4 February 2011

Thursday 3rd Jan - Badminton

Lots of running again.
Fast and furious.
1hr 521 cals.
Good session.
Rest day planned for Friday and then either
1. Bull Hill run using the virtual training partner on the watch or
2. Hameldon Hill route so I can record details on the watch and then use the VTP for future runs.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Wednesday 2nd Jan - Turbo time

No football tonight unfortunately.
Time for Turbo (the return!)
45 minutes in total with the tension set at 30 out of 50.
First 5 mins were at 80 revs a minute.
Next 30 mins were 90+ revs a minute
Last 10 mins at 100+ revs a minute.

Enjoyed it in a strange way!

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Tuesday 1st February - Badminton

Good fun, lots of running.
Felt strong tonight.
Quick running.
Used the Polar HR watch tonight.
Watch says - 55mins, Avg HR 129, Max HR 151, Cals 512
When you compare the cals from tonight to runs etc 512 cals equates to approximately 4 miles.
Road run planned for tomorrow.