Tuesday, 25 May 2010

WB 24th May 2010

Monday - England played mexico - Hence rest day
Tuesday - Laserquest with Y6 at school 2 hrs running around. Badminton 1hr quick!! Felt great. BW exercises squats in sets of 50 x 5 = 250. Legs still sore from the 750 squats at the weekend.
Wednesday - Outdoor week at school hence quite a bit of running around at work. Nothing extreme.
Thursday - Badminton 1hr. BW exercises squats 10 sets of 50 = 500 squats. Good! Strong!
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Exercise bike pm for 40 mins - good
Sunday - Rest - took the old kitchen out - Tomorrow and the coming week in with the new!

Sunday, 16 May 2010

WB 17th May

Monday - Legs tired today after a big session yesterday. Just a light session is on the cards for today. BW exercises
Tuesday - Badminton 1 hr lots of running
Wednesday - Football 1 hr quick good session lots of running
Thursday - Badminton 1 hr Squats 5 sets in sets of 50 - good!
Friday - Rest!!
Saturday - Hameldon Hill route with Nick. V Hot 80+ degrees so a slowish run. Picked it up on the uphill parts. Watch says - 73 mins, Avg HR 143, Max HR 165, Cals 834
BW exercises 15 sets of Squats in sets of 50 = 750 squats!!
P ups 6sets in sets of 20 = 120
Snday - Run, Haslingdon Old Rd to the Rossendale way sign post, down to the Graine Rd, follow Rossendale way to the left, make your way back to the entrance to Clough Head car park, up the hill, left and back home! Thighs are tired and sore from the amoiunt of squats yesterday!
Watch says - 57mins 12 sec, Avg HR 144, Max HR 159, Cals 658. Thighs are sore now!!

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

WB 10th May

Monday - Planned to run, but work took priority so a rest day it was! Not a bad idea after two longish quickish runs Saturday and Sunday.
Tuesday - Badminton 1hr + BW exercises 250squats in sets of 50, 100 sit ups, 5 sets of 20 press ups 1 set of 50 30 secs between each set
Wednesday - 5 aside football 1hr. Lots of running and quick. Run over Ossy moors planned - time will tell! - Ran with Hannah and Rachel 45 mins round the local moors and fields! Great run and fun.
Squats, situps and P ups planned
Thursday - Badminton 1hr
Friday - Rest!
Saturday - Rest! - Birthday today out for an evening meal.
Sunday - Run. Clough Head Car Park - loop opposite reservoirs, crossed over Graine Rd, bit of a loop on the reservoirs side. Felt good, strong, good climbing! - not as good as normal coming down!
Watch says - 62 mins 9 secs, Avg HR 148, Max HR 161, Cals 685
30 mins on the exercise bike @ tension 30 - high tempo - Watch says 30 mins, Avg HR 118, Max HR 133 Cals 246. Then start at tension 30, 100 reps per min, rest 1 min then up tension by 5 each time up to tension 50. Watch says 9 mins, Avg HR 1117 Max HR 138, cals 62.
Squats in sets of 50 - 5 sets = 250
Situps in sets of 50 - 4 sets = 200
P ups in sets of 20 - 6 sets = 120

Sunday, 2 May 2010

WB 3rd May

Monday - Run, Clough Head Car Park with Nick.
Ran on the side with the reservoirs - good steady run, felt good, breathing good.
Watch says 60mins 2 secs, Avg HR 133, Max HR 158, Cals 600
BW exercises
Tuesday - Badminton 1hr feeling good
Wednesday - 5 aside football 1hr quick lots of running feeling good.
Thursday - Swim with the kids am. Walk on the moors with the kids pm - Ossy moors for 2 hrs up and down hills good fun!
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Clough Head Car Park, normal run out to the far hill, up, down and return to the big dip, round the top, down and up. Stay on the top to the first hill climbed. Carry on to the sign post for the Rossendale Way. Follow this, cross Graine Rd, follow footpath, sat left to find the way back to the car park.
Watch says - 57 min 21 sec, Avg HR 145, Max HR 188, Cals 666
Max HR never been this high before! - Felt good
Sunday - Run from Cloug Head with Dave, reservoir side. Left hand side, up to the chimney and round+ extra bit on the end to avoid the road run back. After first 5 mins felt great. Could pick the speed up time and time again. Lets hope for more!
Watch says - 55mins 7 sec, Avg HR 149, Max HR 161, Cals 669. 5 mins quicker than Monday.
Exercise bike 20 mins @tension 30/50 high tempo 90 revs per min
BW exercises - 100 sit ups, 200 squats, set 1 = 100, set 2 and 3 = 50 reps